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It took like 3 days, but I hope it&rsquo;s worth it."><meta property="og:type" content="article"><meta property="og:url" content=""><meta property="article:published_time" content="2019-11-25T07:57:22+00:00"><meta property="article:modified_time" content="2019-11-25T18:25:56+00:00"><meta name=twitter:card content="summary"><meta name=twitter:title content="New blog, again"><meta name=twitter:description content="Yeah, I complain a lot about the fact I don&rsquo;t write on my blog. I moved it again, this time on Ghost, after I found out I had free web hosting and it could run Node.js apps on it, so let&rsquo;s try this. It was a bitch to install, though, as if Murphy&rsquo;s law was playing against me. If it has a chance to fail, then it will fail. It took like 3 days, but I hope it&rsquo;s worth it."><meta name=theme-color content="#660066"><title>New blog, again - toasters rocks</title><link rel=stylesheet href=></head><body><header><img src=/img/icon.png><h1>toasters rocks</h1></header><main><aside><nav><a href=/><i class="fas fa-home"></i>Home</a><br><a href=><i class="fas fa-user"></i>About</a><br><a href=/fr/><i class="fas fa-globe"></i>Français</a><br><a href=><i class="far fa-comment"></i>Comics</a><br><a href=><i class="far fa-folder-open"></i>Forums</a><br></nav><br><nav><a title=Twitter href=><i style=color:#4da7de class="fab fa-twitter"></i><span style=color:#4da7de>Twitter</span></a><br><a title=Discord href=><i style=color:#7289da class="fab fa-discord"></i><span style=color:#7289da>Discord</span></a><br><a title=GitHub href=><i style=color:#221e1b class="fab fa-github"></i><span style=color:#221e1b>GitHub</span></a><br><a title=Patreon href=><i style=color:#f96854 class="fab fa-patreon"></i><span style=color:#f96854>Patreon</span></a><br><a title=YouTube href=><i style=color:#e02a20 class="fab fa-youtube"></i><span style=color:#e02a20>YouTube</span></a><br><a title="YouTube 2" href=><i style=color:#e02a20 class="fab fa-youtube"></i><span style=color:#e02a20>YouTube 2</span></a><br><a title=Twitch href=><i style=color:#6441a5 class="fab fa-twitch"></i><span style=color:#6441a5>Twitch</span></a><br><a title=Instagram href=><i style=color:#d6249f class="fab fa-instagram"></i><span style=color:#d6249f>Instagram</span></a><br><a title=DeviantArt href=><i style=color:#c5d200 class="fab fa-deviantart"></i><span style=color:#c5d200>DeviantArt</span></a><br><a title=SoundCloud href=><i style=color:#fe3801 class="fab fa-soundcloud"></i><span style=color:#fe3801>SoundCloud</span></a><br></nav></aside><article><div><h2 name=top>New blog, again</h2><p></p><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i><time datetime=2019-11-25>November 25, 2019</time><br><i class="fas fa-tags"></i>#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href=>Meta</a><br><i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i>~2 minutes</div><p>Yeah, I complain a lot about the fact I don&rsquo;t write on my blog. I moved it again, this time on Ghost, after I found out I had free web hosting and it could run Node.js apps on it, so let&rsquo;s try this. It was a bitch to install, though, as if Murphy&rsquo;s law was playing against me. If it has a chance to fail, then it will fail. It took like 3 days, but I hope it&rsquo;s worth it. Of course WordPress is a huge power house I don&rsquo;t want to mess with anymore, and Write Freely is less of a power house than I thought it would be (I believed a lot in the Fediverse back then, and now the Mastodon instance I host broke), I found out about Ghost which is in Node.js, so yeah, hope it&rsquo;s going to be fast and simple. I moved all content to the new blog, and I&rsquo;ll probably copy content from other sites on here as well, I blogged a bit on Patreon and this year, gonna repost those here as well.</p><p>Anyway. Expect new content soon. I&rsquo;m now developing Zarmina as a visual novel, I&rsquo;ll try to post some devlogs here, that or random doodles I made with Processing or something.</p><p>Oh, also new domain that has my name in it, cause why not, it looks professionnal. Not that I don&rsquo;t like, that&rsquo;s a good domain, but, eh, I dunno. Might go back to it. Anyway. Welcome to Juju&rsquo;s Stupid Random Crap v3 and have some fun.</p></article><ul class=pagination><li class=page-item><a class=previous href=>« about me</a></li><li class=page-item><a class=next href=>trippy perlin noise »</a></li></ul><article><div id=disqus_thread></div><script type=application/javascript>var disqus_config=function(){};(function(){if(["localhost",""].indexOf(window.location.hostname)!=-1){document.getElementById('disqus_thread').innerHTML='Disqus comments not available by default when the website is previewed locally.';return;}
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