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I recently started messing up with a Windows 98 VM (for various reasons, including a future redesign of this website), I re-discovered Microsoft Comic Chat, I decided to import my Pony Town avatars in it, and the rest is history. It’s simple to make, it doesn’t take too much of my attention span and it looks good, so yeah, winning formula." />
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I recently started messing up with a Windows 98 VM (for various reasons, including a future redesign of this website), I re-discovered Microsoft Comic Chat, I decided to import my Pony Town avatars in it, and the rest is history. It’s simple to make, it doesn’t take too much of my attention span and it looks good, so yeah, winning formula."/>
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<h2 name="top">Horse Life 98</h2>
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<time datetime="2019-12-15">December 15, 2019</time><br/>
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<i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~1 minute
<p>Been a while I wanted to make a webcomic, but I never got around at drawing one, and if I do I’m not that good at drawing, so…</p>
<p>I recently started messing up with a Windows 98 VM (for various reasons, including a future redesign of this website), I re-discovered Microsoft Comic Chat, I decided to import my <a href="https://pony.town">Pony Town</a> avatars in it, and the rest is history. It’s simple to make, it doesn’t take too much of my attention span and it looks good, so yeah, winning formula.</p>
<p>It’s going to be rather absurd, kinda like one of these comics that looks the same but with different punch lines. Hope you like it.</p>
<p>Check it out at <a href="/horselife">https://toasters.rocks/horselife</a></p>
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