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2020-11-29 03:26:44 +00:00
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<meta property="og:description" content="Hi, I&rsquo;m J. P. Savard. (Obviously a pen name. Or is it?) Also known as Juju or Yuki.
I&rsquo;m just a random freelance programmer from Québec City, Canada. I write things sometimes. It feels good.
Here you will find random musings about life, development logs, code experiments, educational content, or anything I deem worth to put on this silly blog. Might write in French sometimes, if you don&rsquo;t understand, it might not concern you, look somewhere else." />
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I&rsquo;m just a random freelance programmer from Québec City, Canada. I write things sometimes. It feels good.
Here you will find random musings about life, development logs, code experiments, educational content, or anything I deem worth to put on this silly blog. Might write in French sometimes, if you don&rsquo;t understand, it might not concern you, look somewhere else."/>
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<h2 name="top">about me</h2>
<p>Hi, I&rsquo;m J. P. Savard. (Obviously a pen name. Or is it?) Also known as Juju or Yuki.</p>
<p>I&rsquo;m just a random freelance programmer from Québec City, Canada. I write things sometimes. It feels good.</p>
<p>Here you will find random musings about life, development logs, code experiments, educational content, or anything I deem worth to put on this silly blog. Might write in French sometimes, if you don&rsquo;t understand, it might not concern you, look somewhere else.</p>
<p>None of my thoughts represent the opinion of my employers, clients, anyone I might know or even myself from next week. They often agree with me, but take nothing for granted.</p>
<p>If you like the content I put here, please tip me on <a href="">Patreon</a>!</p>
<h2 id="legal-stuff">legal stuff</h2>
<p>Horse Life 98 strips uses art assets from Microsoft Chat and <a href="">Pony Town</a>, the latter are licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC 4.0</a>. Character designs and the jokes are mine, unless indicated otherwise. Yes, it&rsquo;s low-quality, that&rsquo;s part of the joke. We&rsquo;re in 1998.</p>
<p>The rest are mine, unless indicated otherwise. The pieces of code are usually licensed under <a href="">LiLiQ-P-1.1</a>, unless indicated otherwise.</p>
<p>I&rsquo;m clearly abusing this phrase, unless indicated otherwise.</p>
<h2 id="my-stuff">my stuff</h2>
<p><a href="">Zarmina</a> My sci-fi fiction stuff.
<a href="">MLP Québec</a> My other blog about fandoms.
<a href="">CodeWalrus</a> A nice community of programmers. We have walruses.
<a href="">julosoft</a> Games I did, back when I was trying.</p>
<h2 id="me-and-my-stuff-elsewhere">me and my stuff, elsewhere</h2>
<p><a href="">GitHub</a> Source code I wrote for random stuff.
<a href="">YouTube</a> Random videos I put together when I&rsquo;m bored.
<a href="">YouTube</a> Animated stuff and other videos I actually give some of myself into.
<a href="">Vimeo</a> Short films I did at school.
<a href="">deviantArt</a> Things I draw and characters I design.
<a href="">SoundCloud</a> Some music I do when I&rsquo;m bored.
<a href="">Patreon</a> Send me some money!</p>
<h2 id="best-ways-to-contact-me">best ways to contact me</h2>
<p>Discord: <a href="">CodeWalrus</a>
Twitter: <a href="">@juju2143</a>
Mastodon: <a href=""></a>
Email: juju at juju2143 dot ca</p>
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