<!doctype html><htmllang=en><head><metacharset=utf-8><metaname=viewportcontent="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><linkrel="shortcut icon"href=/img/icon.pngtype=image/png><metaname=generatorcontent="Hugo 0.104.3"><metaproperty="og:title"content="New blog, again"><metaproperty="og:description"content="Yeah, I complain a lot about the fact I don’t write on my blog. I moved it again, this time on Ghost, after I found out I had free web hosting and it could run Node.js apps on it, so let’s try this. It was a bitch to install, though, as if Murphy’s law was playing against me. If it has a chance to fail, then it will fail. It took like 3 days, but I hope it’s worth it."><metaproperty="og:type"content="article"><metaproperty="og:url"content="http://toasters.rocks/new-blog-again/"><metaproperty="article:section"content><metaproperty="article:published_time"content="2019-11-25T07:57:22+00:00"><metaproperty="article:modified_time"content="2019-11-25T18:25:56+00:00"><metaname=twitter:cardcontent="summary"><metaname=twitter:titlecontent="New blog, again"><metaname=twitter:descriptioncontent="Yeah, I complain a lot about the fact I don’t write on my blog. I moved it again, this time on Ghost, after I found out I had free web hosting and it could run Node.js apps on it, so let’s try this. It was a bitch to install, though, as if Murphy’s law was playing against me. If it has a chance to fail, then it will fail. It took like 3 days, but I hope it’s worth it."><metaname=theme-colorcontent="#660066"><title>New blog, again - toasters rocks</title><linkrel=stylesheethref=http://toasters.rocks/css/toastersrocks.min.css></head><body><header><imgsrc=/img/icon.png><h1>toasters rocks</h1></header><main><aside><nav><ahref=/><iclass="fas fa-home"></i>