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So there you go, after figuring it out on the Arch Wiki, here’s a collection of software I maintain on the AUR, some of my own things I bothered to make a PKGBUILD for, or just software not found in other binary repos I know the users of my communities will like."><metaproperty="og:type"content="article"><metaproperty="og:url"content="http://toasters.rocks/arch-linux-packages/"><metaproperty="article:section"content><metaproperty="article:published_time"content="2020-02-22T07:41:21+00:00"><metaproperty="article:modified_time"content="2020-02-22T21:49:44+00:00"><metaname=twitter:cardcontent="summary"><metaname=twitter:titlecontent="My Arch Linux packages: how to create your own repo"><metaname=twitter:descriptioncontent="AsIuseArchLinuxasmydailydriveronmymainmachinenowandIusealottheAURnowadays(mostnotablyImaintainthepackagesforThe8-BitGuy’sCommanderX16),figuredImightcreatemyownrepository,right?
So there you go, after figuring it out on the Arch Wiki, here’s a collection of software I maintain on the AUR, some of my own things I bothered to make a PKGBUILD for, or just software not found in other binary repos I know the users of my communities will like."><metaname=theme-colorcontent="#660066"><title>My Arch Linux packages: how to create your own repo - toasters rocks</title><linkrel=stylesheethref=http://toasters.rocks/css/toastersrocks.min.css></head><body><header><imgsrc=/img/icon.png><h1>toasters rocks</h1></header><main><aside><nav><ahref=/><iclass="fas fa-home"></i>
<spanstyle=color:#fe3801>SoundCloud</span></a><br></nav></aside><article><div><h2name=top>My Arch Linux packages: how to create your own repo</h2><p></p><iclass="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>
#<aclass="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn"href=http://toasters.rocks/tags/tech>Tech</a><br><iclass="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~2 minutes</div><p>As I use Arch Linux as my daily driver on my main machine now and I use a lot the AUR nowadays (most notably I maintain the packages for The 8-Bit Guy’s Commander X16), figured I might create my own repository, right?</p><p>So there you go, after figuring it out on the Arch Wiki, here’s a collection of software I maintain on the AUR, some of my own things I bothered to make a PKGBUILD for, or just software not found in other binary repos I know the users of my communities will like. So, as I write this, mostly Commander X16 stuff and TI-83 stuff.</p><pre><code>[juju]
Then, you can see every package I added with <code>pacman -Sl juju</code>.</p><p>But why? Here’s the gory details. A friend of mine told me about this service called <ahref=https://www.netlify.com/>Netlify</a>, which is pretty much for those who made their website with a site generator, it automatically builds the website each time you push it to Git. From what I understand, anyway. Kinda like GitHub, I guess. The free plan comes with custom domains, HTTPS, 300 build minutes a month, 100 GB of bandwidth and… no storage limit? Well, that’d probably make for a good use case for this project.</p><p>So I follow <ahref=https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman/Tips_and_tricks#Custom_local_repository>the instructions on the wiki</a>, I throw in some index.html generated from stuff I stole from the x16-emulator package, I do a manual deploy and there you go!</p><pre><code>repo-add archlinux/juju/os/x86_64/juju.db.tar.gz archlinux/juju/os/x86_64/some-package.pkg.tar.xz
</code></pre><p>To do everytime I update something
Symlinks don’t work for some reason, so you’d need to add a file called <code>_redirects</code>:</p><pre><code>/archlinux/:repo/os/:arch/:repo.db /archlinux/:repo/os/:arch/:repo.db.tar.gz