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Almost forgot I had a Patreon and someone is giving me a dollar a month, lol (thanks Pieman7373 :))
Anyway, here’s some updates… It’s been years I’m talking about Zarmina and not much came up out of it. I had some work done this summer, the outline of the story is now finally complete, and I now started writing a bible, organizing all my notes together so someone else can look at it and have a good idea of the whole picture." />
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Almost forgot I had a Patreon and someone is giving me a dollar a month, lol (thanks Pieman7373 :))
Anyway, here’s some updates… It’s been years I’m talking about Zarmina and not much came up out of it. I had some work done this summer, the outline of the story is now finally complete, and I now started writing a bible, organizing all my notes together so someone else can look at it and have a good idea of the whole picture."/>
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<h2 name="top">Zarmina updates</h2>
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<time datetime="2020-10-17">October 17, 2020</time><br/>
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<i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~2 minutes
<p><em>This article was originally published on <strong><a href="https://www.patreon.com/juju2143">Patreon</a></strong>, reposting it here for completeness.</em></p>
<p>Almost forgot I had a Patreon and someone is giving me a dollar a month, lol (thanks Pieman7373 :))</p>
<p>Anyway, here’s some updates… It’s been years I’m talking about Zarmina and not much came up out of it. I had some work done this summer, the outline of the story is now finally complete, and I now started writing a bible, organizing all my notes together so someone else can look at it and have a good idea of the whole picture. The story might change a bit from what I already published (consider that a beta, if we can say), but I already can say it’s going to be way better.</p>
<p>The huge problem I had before is that I had no direction yet so I could hit walls pretty easily, so I decided to take a break and write the entire outline before going further. And I think it worked quite well, I can’t wait to show you all of it :) I also realized that now that I have a job that pays well I could get artists involved to help out, which pretty much was my plan in the first place. So I guess it’s gonna go quite fast from now, can’t wait to show all of this.</p>
<p>Of course, the Patreon is gonna stay on if you want to get involved financially, I plan paying the artists is probably gonna take a small chunk of my paycheck so Patreon would definitely be a small relief. I’m going to show things here before it’s going to be released to the public, small excerpts of my notes, devlogs, announcements, anything interesting pertaining to the project, so if you want to see cool stuff before anyone else this is here :)</p>
<p>I’m also working on a small absurd webcomic called Horse Life 98, but since I usually finish comics not long before they get published it’s probably not worth it to put them here… But oh well. I’m also going to take a break from it while I work on Zarmina, finding the force to edit a panel a day for the whole month of October was harder than I thought…</p>
<p>Anyway, have fun :)</p>
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