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<p>Oh. I didn’t see you there. My name is J. P. Savard - but you can call me Yuki - and welcome to my abode. This is a repository of silly things, poetry, rants, ideas and experiments I made on my free time, I hope you will like them, and that the information will be useful.</p>
<p>Here be dragons below, have fun.</p>
<article style="background-image: url('/images/2019/12/ponylife98-000-1.png');">
<div class="metadata" style="height: calc((var(--height) - 2em) * 0.660904255319149 - 3.5em)">
<h2><a class="title" href="/horse-life-98/">Horse Life 98</a></h2>
<i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>
<time datetime="2019-12-15">December 15, 2019</time><br/>
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#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href="http://toasters.rocks/tags/writing">Writing</a>
<i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~1 minute
<p>Been a while I wanted to make a webcomic, but I never got around at drawing one, and if I do I’m not that good at drawing, so…
I recently started messing up with a Windows 98 VM (for various reasons, including a future redesign of this website), I re-discovered Microsoft Comic Chat, I decided to import my Pony Town avatars in it, and the rest is history. It’s simple to make, it doesn’t take too much of my attention span and it looks good, so yeah, winning formula.</p>
<p><a href="/horse-life-98/">Read More...</a></p>
<article style="background-image: url('/images/2019/11/background.png');">
<div class="metadata" style="height: calc((var(--height) - 2em) * 0.5833333333333334 - 3.5em)">
<h2><a class="title" href="/ecco-the-dolphin/">ecco the dolphin</a></h2>
<p>Let's recreate this weird effect from Ecco the Dolphin.</p>
<i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>
<time datetime="2019-11-29">November 29, 2019</time><br/>
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#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href="http://toasters.rocks/tags/experiments">Experiments</a>
#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href="http://toasters.rocks/tags/p5.js">p5.js</a>
<i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~6 minutes
<p>// Ecco effect v2 by juju2143 // based on original code by foone // https://github.com/foone/ecco-distortion-effect // Licenced under GPL3 var shifts = "gDkZcB510pQ:3pSf]4oLh\41pS;nWd_@lYcB5oT;nJ82pSfCkH7nVmWe^aA5110pO9nKh\bAlYdCkG7oL8nVe^a`@5oL82pSf\lXd^?lX=3oM9nV4oL9nVe^a`@"; function preload() { img = loadImage('/images/2019/11/background.png'); } function setup() { var c = createCanvas(320, 224); c.parent('sketch-holder'); } function draw() { for (var i = 0; i Welcome to the second installment of my code experiments! This time we’re gonna look into the weird effect used in the background of messages in Ecco the Dolphin for the Sega Genesis (or MegaDrive, if you’re asking someone outside the Americas).</p>
<p><a href="/ecco-the-dolphin/">Read More...</a></p>
<article style="background-image: url('/images/2019/11/perlin.png');">
<div class="metadata" style="height: calc((var(--height) - 2em) * 1 - 3.5em)">
<h2><a class="title" href="/trippy-perlin-noise/">trippy perlin noise</a></h2>
<p>Warning: contains some intensive JavaScript that might break your computer</p>
<i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>
<time datetime="2019-11-25">November 25, 2019</time><br/>
<i class="fas fa-tags"></i>
#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href="http://toasters.rocks/tags/experiments">Experiments</a>
#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href="http://toasters.rocks/tags/p5.js">p5.js</a>
<i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~2 minutes
<p>function setup() { var c = createCanvas(256, 256); c.parent('sketch-holder'); background(0); } function draw() { var n = 0; var z = 1; var speed = 0.005; noiseDetail(8, 0.65); loadPixels(); for(a=0; a Now that I can easily embed JavaScript on this blog, I should put here some of my experiments and weird code that does nothing, cause why not. This one is some colored Perlin noise made using p5.</p>
<p><a href="/trippy-perlin-noise/">Read More...</a></p>
<h2><a class="title" href="/new-blog-again/">New blog, again</a></h2>
<i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>
<time datetime="2019-11-25">November 25, 2019</time><br/>
<i class="fas fa-tags"></i>
#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href="http://toasters.rocks/tags/meta">Meta</a>
<i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~2 minutes
<p>Yeah, I complain a lot about the fact I don’t write on my blog. I moved it again, this time on Ghost, after I found out I had free web hosting and it could run Node.js apps on it, so let’s try this. It was a bitch to install, though, as if Murphy’s law was playing against me. If it has a chance to fail, then it will fail. It took like 3 days, but I hope it’s worth it.</p>
<p><a href="/new-blog-again/">Read More...</a></p>
<h2><a class="title" href="/trailer-is-out/">Trailer is out</a></h2>
<i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>
<time datetime="2019-11-23">November 23, 2019</time><br/>
<i class="fas fa-tags"></i>
#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href="http://toasters.rocks/tags/zarmina">Zarmina</a>
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<a href="http://toasters.rocks/fr/nouvelle-bande-annonce/">Français</a>
<i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~1 minute
<p>This article was originally published on Itch.io, reposting it here for completeness.
New trailer for the project, it’s not the complete game but I hope you’ll like it :) It’s been done with Ren’Py cause it’s gonna be the intro to the game and I wasn’t able to get a good video editing software working on my computer… You can see it straight on the game’s page or if it’s buggy there’s a YouTube video.</p>
<p><a href="/trailer-is-out/">Read More...</a></p>
<h2><a class="title" href="/devlog-1-making-the-trailer/">DevLog #1: Making the trailer</a></h2>
<i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>
<time datetime="2019-11-07">November 7, 2019</time><br/>
<i class="fas fa-tags"></i>
#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href="http://toasters.rocks/tags/zarmina">Zarmina</a>
<i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~2 minutes
<p>This article was originally published on Patreon, reposting it here for completeness.
I told you I’m keeping you updated, so I’m keeping a dev log here on Patreon. Everything you need to know, so it sounds like I’m actually active at doing something and you can learn from my errors. Don’t want to decieve anyone who might want to throw money at me here.
First thing on my new plan is to post a trailer on YouTube, redirect people here and hope The Algorithm™ does its job somewhat soon.</p>
<p><a href="/devlog-1-making-the-trailer/">Read More...</a></p>
<h2><a class="title" href="/zarmina-3-0-rewrite-again/">Zarmina 3.0: rewrite (again)</a></h2>
<i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>
<time datetime="2019-11-07">November 7, 2019</time><br/>
<i class="fas fa-tags"></i>
#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href="http://toasters.rocks/tags/zarmina">Zarmina</a>
<i class="fas fa-globe"></i>
<a href="http://toasters.rocks/fr/zarmina-3-0-reecriture/">Français</a>
<i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~3 minutes
<p>This article was originally published on Patreon, reposting it here for completeness.
This is a semi-Google Translation of the last post, for the English-speaking friends I might have here. I’m probably going to do this in both English and my native language that is French. Maybe also other languages too.
And that’s where I lost my motivation. Once again. I have not written anything since last winter, because, you see, I realized that it was not going anywhere in its current form.</p>
<p><a href="/zarmina-3-0-rewrite-again/">Read More...</a></p>
<h2><a class="title" href="/april-fools-2019/">April Fools 2019</a></h2>
<i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>
<time datetime="2019-04-02">April 2, 2019</time><br/>
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#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href="http://toasters.rocks/tags/random">Random</a>
<i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~3 minutes
<p>As usual, I like to prank people with good, original jokes on April 1st across my properties. Not these overused jokes everyone hates (for instance the local furry group deleted pranks because they were getting too much instances of the same overused, boring joke), but rather original and fun jokes. Or I try to, anyway. I didn’t took much effort and time doing any of them this year as I didn’t had any good ideas in advance, and I didn’t had time to do an elaborate one, but here’s a rundown of my pranks of this year.</p>
<p><a href="/april-fools-2019/">Read More...</a></p>
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