2022-11-12 15:10:25 +00:00
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2022-10-15 00:59:46 +00:00
Well. I didn’ t blogged that much in the past year or two on this toasters dot rocks blog, for some reason. My Tumblr timeline was looking like a disaster. Kinda like Facebook, actually, but that’ s another kind of disaster. Oh well. I probably should blog a bit more and publish some texts I usually just condense in 280 characters on Twitter.">< meta property = "og:type" content = "article" > < meta property = "og:url" content = "http://toasters.rocks/life-update/" > < meta property = "article:section" content > < meta property = "article:published_time" content = "2018-05-18T12:00:00+00:00" > < meta property = "article:modified_time" content = "2019-11-25T07:04:31+00:00" > < meta name = twitter:card content = "summary" > < meta name = twitter:title content = "Life update." > < meta name = twitter:description content = "This article was originally published on Tumblr , reposting it here for completeness .
Well. I didn’ t blogged that much in the past year or two on this toasters dot rocks blog, for some reason. My Tumblr timeline was looking like a disaster. Kinda like Facebook, actually, but that’ s another kind of disaster. Oh well. I probably should blog a bit more and publish some texts I usually just condense in 280 characters on Twitter.">< meta name = theme-color content = "#660066" > < title > Life update. - toasters rocks< / title > < link rel = stylesheet href = http://toasters.rocks/css/toastersrocks.min.css > < / head > < body > < header > < img src = /img/icon.png > < h1 > toasters rocks< / h1 > < / header > < main > < aside > < nav > < a href = / > < i class = "fas fa-home" > < / i >
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< time datetime = 2018-05-18 > May 18, 2018< / time > < br > < i class = "fas fa-tags" > < / i >
2022-11-12 15:10:25 +00:00
#< a class = "btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href = http://toasters.rocks/tags/random > Random< / a > < br > < i class = "fas fa-hourglass" > < / i > ~2 minutes< / div > < p > < em > This article was originally published on Tumblr, reposting it here for completeness.< / em > < / p > < p > Well. I didn’ t blogged that much in the past year or two on this toasters dot rocks blog, for some reason. My Tumblr timeline was looking like a disaster. Kinda like Facebook, actually, but that’ s another kind of disaster. Oh well. I probably should blog a bit more and publish some texts I usually just condense in 280 characters on Twitter. Kind of a diary.< / p > < p > So yeah. A ton of stuff happened since then, in the past year or two. Dropped school, got a job in web development and now I’ m working on a rather big project with a bunch of friends related to podcasts and content creators. (BTW, I’ ll let you know when it’ s ready :)) So yeah, after being generally terrible in college and having stayed way too long there, thanks to a Youtuber, podcaster and entrepreneur friend, I’ m now in a situation one could just dream of. You might want to get all of the diplomas to get far in life, but if you’ re creative enough, you don’ t need to… Anyway, I can’ t wait to see this project taking off, cause it’ s a pretty good concept overall, it just needs a lot of thinking and challenges to overcome.< / p > < p > I’ ve also been thinking a lot of my pet project, Zarmina, it’ s also a project I wanna see done, I worked quite a bit on it lately, I finished the script for a demo, but I prefer putting the time on this other project since, well, this pays my bills :)< / p > < p > Anyway, can’ t wait what live is gonna give me next, who knows?< / p > < p > So yeah, stay tuned for more entries in my diary…< / p > < / article > < ul class = pagination > < li class = page-item > < a class = previous href = http://toasters.rocks/how-to-tell-your-adblock-users-to-disable-it-like-a-boss/ > « How to tell your AdBlock users to disable it like a boss< / a > < / li > < li class = page-item > < a class = next href = http://toasters.rocks/toasters-rocks-the-reboot/ > Toasters Rocks: The Reboot »< / a > < / li > < / ul > < article > < div id = disqus_thread > < / div > < script type = application/javascript > window . disqus _config = function ( ) { } , function ( ) { if ( [ "localhost" , "" ] . indexOf ( window . location . hostname ) != - 1 ) { document . getElementById ( "disqus_thread" ) . innerHTML = "Disqus comments not available by default when the website is previewed locally." ; return } var t = document , e = t . createElement ( "script" ) ; e . async = ! 0 , e . src = "//juju2143.disqus.com/embed.js" , e . setAttribute ( "data-timestamp" , + new Date ) , ( t . head || t . body ) . appendChild ( e ) } ( ) < / script > < noscript > Please enable JavaScript to view the < a href = https://disqus.com/?ref_noscript > comments powered by Disqus.< / a > < / noscript > < a href = https://disqus.com class = dsq-brlink > comments powered by < span class = logo-disqus > Disqus< / span > < / a > < / article > < / main > < footer > Copyright © 2020 J.P. Savard - Theme by < a href = https://github.com/juju2143/hugo-theme-toastersrocks > J. P. Savard< / a > - Powered by Hugo 0.105.0< / footer > < / body > < / html >