<metaproperty="og:description"content="Now this is a lot closer to the style I’m shooting for on Zarmina, which is now going to be a visual novel made in an actual visual novel engine, if you don’t know already. I love how it turned out: Minty Root suggested to make the lines thicker (that gives it a nice style), no shading (I think that adds to it), she now have a bow (although she isn’t gonna wear it until later in the story), the jewel is a bit more detailed (it’s a bitch to draw lol), her skirt is a bit shorter, boobs are a bit more, um, detailed (we’re shooting anime style after all!">
<metaname=twitter:descriptioncontent="Now this is a lot closer to the style I’m shooting for on Zarmina, which is now going to be a visual novel made in an actual visual novel engine, if you don’t know already. I love how it turned out: Minty Root suggested to make the lines thicker (that gives it a nice style), no shading (I think that adds to it), she now have a bow (although she isn’t gonna wear it until later in the story), the jewel is a bit more detailed (it’s a bitch to draw lol), her skirt is a bit shorter, boobs are a bit more, um, detailed (we’re shooting anime style after all!">
<p>Now this is a lot closer to the style I’m shooting for on Zarmina, which is now going to be a visual novel made in an actual visual novel engine, if you don’t know already. I love how it turned out: Minty Root suggested to make the lines thicker (that gives it a nice style), no shading (I think that adds to it), she now have a bow (although she isn’t gonna wear it until later in the story), the jewel is a bit more detailed (it’s a bitch to draw lol), her skirt is a bit shorter, boobs are a bit more, um, detailed (we’re shooting anime style after all!) and her face is 20% cuter.</p>
<p>I hope to make the other characters in the beginning of 2020, Daisuke is definitely going to improve, then write the script and have a working game for, I dunno, eventually.</p>
<p>Anyway, I love how I’m improving art-wise since the last few years, I feel I’m finally closer to the point I can do both art and programming and it’ll look at least half-good. I procrastinated quite a bit because of that, that feel I’m not super good at art (that and it took a while to make my good ol' computer cooperate). But eh, it’s going to take the time it’s going to take, even if it’s gonna be released by 2030.</p>
<p>So yeah, stay tuned and happy new year 2020!</p>
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