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2020-11-29 03:26:44 +00:00
I told you I&rsquo;m keeping you updated, so I&rsquo;m keeping a dev log here on Patreon. Everything you need to know, so it sounds like I&rsquo;m actually active at doing something and you can learn from my errors. Don&rsquo;t want to decieve anyone who might want to throw money at me here.
First thing on my new plan is to post a trailer on YouTube, redirect people here and hope The Algorithm™ does its job somewhat soon.">
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2020-11-29 03:26:44 +00:00
I told you I&rsquo;m keeping you updated, so I&rsquo;m keeping a dev log here on Patreon. Everything you need to know, so it sounds like I&rsquo;m actually active at doing something and you can learn from my errors. Don&rsquo;t want to decieve anyone who might want to throw money at me here.
First thing on my new plan is to post a trailer on YouTube, redirect people here and hope The Algorithm™ does its job somewhat soon.">
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<h2 name=top>DevLog #1: Making the trailer</h2>
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<time datetime=2019-11-07>November 7, 2019</time><br>
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#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href=>Zarmina</a>
<i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~2 minutes
<p><em><strong>This article was originally published on <em><a href=>Patreon</a></em>, reposting it here for completeness.</strong></em></p>
<p>I told you I&rsquo;m keeping you updated, so I&rsquo;m keeping a dev log here on Patreon. Everything you need to know, so it sounds like I&rsquo;m actually active at doing something and you can learn from my errors. Don&rsquo;t want to decieve anyone who might want to throw money at me here.</p>
<p>First thing on my new plan is to post a trailer on YouTube, redirect people here and hope The Algorithm™ does its job somewhat soon.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, I work on Linux on a semi-ancient iMac (back when they were still somewhat good), the graphic card is crapping its life out and I don&rsquo;t have money to buy a semi-decent computer that could run my software of choice, Adobe After Effects. And all the alternatives, either they can&rsquo;t run on my weird setup or I don&rsquo;t like them.</p>
<p>So, what else could I do? Might do it directly in Ren&rsquo;Py while I&rsquo;m at it, that would be pretty cool as an intro in the game itself. Now trying to figure out the Ren&rsquo;Py language. Which sounds like someone abused and mangled the Python engine during its sleep. Pretty cool language, though.</p>
<p>So yeah, coding a semi-decent intro, finding free images that goes with it (the NASA will be useful here), abusing the heck out of Ren&rsquo;Py, posting everything everywhere once done and throw a bit of climate change and everything in there in hopes someone gets interested. Can&rsquo;t go wrong, right? Right.</p>
<p>Wish me luck.</p>
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